Bowel Detox

Bowel Detox


STOCK# 3020

Robust blend for GI support

A unique, effective, synergistic blend of fibers, herbs, detoxifiers, and enzymes for regularity & targeted digestion.
  • Helps promote the regular elimination of waste
  • Supports the GI tract and proper digestive function

How it Works

Bowel Detox promotes healthy, regular elimination of waste from the colon. It provides digestive enzymes to aid digestion in the upper gastrointestinal tract along with ingredients to provide needed bulk and to encourage proper flow of waste through the colon. Bowel Detox contains pancreatin, a combination of pancreatic juices that aids in the digestion of a variety of foodstuffs. Additionally, pepsin aids in the digestion of dietary proteins. Bile salts are included to improve the digestion of fats. Psyllium, algin and apple pectin are excellent sources of soluble fiber, which creates an increase in intestinal bulk, easing the movement of digested food through the intestines. Cascara sagrada helps to keep things moving by stimulating the movement of the intestines and increasing the content of water in the bowel. The end result is that toxins spend less time in the bowel, therebyreducing the time that they can affect intestinal cells or be absorbed into the body. Bowel Detox also contains bentonite, charcoal and chlorophyll. As these ingredients bind to harmful chemicals and toxins in the body, they prevent the absorption of them, protecting the whole body, not just the bowels.

Why Bowel Detox?

Bowel Detox is a veritable cornucopia of nature’s finest ingredients for colon health and happiness. This includes wild-crafted, hand-harvested cascara sagrada bark. Our trusted partner for this material only harvests bark at the perfect time of year from trees that have reached full maturity. The bark is cut into smaller chunks, then kiln-dried before it is ground up. Sustainable sourcing practices ensure a healthy supply of cascara sagrada for generations to come.

The story behind Bowel Detox

Psyllium has been part of Indian Ayurvedic Medicine for nearly 5,000 years! It grows natively in India and parts of Asia and has been used to support gut health and to aid elimination. Ever since it was introduced to Spanish settlers in the 1600s,cascara sagrada bark has been used as a natural laxative throughout the world. Native American tribes shared this wonder with the Spaniards, and by the late 1800s, cascara was being exported overseas. The explosion of its use eventually led to overharvesting in the last century. But this resilient species of the buckthorn family has made a healthy resurgence. More than 2,000 years ago, the Phoenicians used activated charcoal to help purify their water. In fact, some sea voyagers stored their drinking water in charred barrels. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, recommended charcoal for vertigo and other conditions. Charcoal poultices and powders regained popularity in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Recommended use

Take 3 capsules twice daily. NOTE: This product contains cascara sagrada. See your health care provider prior to use if you are pregnant or nursing, any medical condition exists or when taking any medication. Read and follow recommendation carefully. Do not use if diarrhea, loose stools or abdominal pain are present or develop. Not intended for prolonged use. Use of this product may worsen these conditions and be harmful to your health. Chronic diarrhea can result in serious illness. May cause allergic reaction in persons sensitive to inhaled or ingested psyllium.

Other Ingredients

900 IU vitamin A as beta-carotene, 30 mg vitamin C, 6 IU vitamin E, 3 mg zinc, 15 mcg selenium, betaine HCl, bile salts, pancreatin, pepsin, psyllium hulls, algin, cascara sagrada bark, ginger rhizome, apple pectin, parthenium root, charcoal, marshmallow root extract, sodium copper chlorophyllin and bentonite clay.