Bifidophilus Flora Force®
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Bifidophilus Flora Force®


STOCK# 4080

Delayed-release probiotic blend

Re-introduce beneficial probiotic bacteria with the friendly strains found in Bifidophilus Flora Force®.
  • Restores natural microbiome/gut balance
  • Supports digestion & immune health

How it Works

The healthy human intestinal tract contains billions of flora that live in a delicate balance with each other and in symbiosis with us. We provide them with a home, and in turn they break down our food into easily absorbed nutrients. They also aid digestion in a variety of ways and promote immunity. Factors such as stress, environmental conditions or the use of certain substances can affect their vitality. Bifidophilus Flora Force® provides billions of beneficial intestinal microorganisms that offer a whole range of health benefits. They help to maintain the natural, delicate balance of flora that inhabit the human intestinal tract. These friendly flora also help to decompose fecal matter, improving nutrient absorption and producing certain vitamins as metabolic byproducts. NSP added fructo-oligosaccharides (short- and long-chain), which support the growth of these beneficialorganisms to ensure the potency of this product. This product is recommended for daily use to help maintain a healthy balance of friendly flora in the intestinal tract and to support the immune system.

Why Bifidophilus Flora Force®?

We took some of the best and most popular strains of friendly bacteria and put them together in a gut-loving blend. Then we employed an awesome, delayed-release vegcap to help your tiny new friends get safely through the acidic stomach and deliver support to your intestinal tract, bolstering microbiome health. Finally, we added fructo-oligosaccharides (prebiotic fiber) to support the growth of these beneficial organisms and ensure potency.

The story behind Bifidophilus Flora Force®

While the discovery and naming of individual probiotic strains is fairly new, the concept of eating fermented food goes WAY back. By about 500 A.D., Koreans had found a new technique to preserve food for winter: burying jars of cabbage, cucumber or radishes mixed with strong spices. Known as kimchi, this fermented food is one of many that offers health benefits for the immune system. Fermented foods have grown in popularity. But for some of us, capsules are much easier to swallow than kimchi, sauerkraut and fermented drinks. Launched in 1993, Bifidophilus Flora Force® instantly became a favorite. Finally, there was a probiotic blend to help replenish some of the most important friendly bacteria and repopulate the gut. Probiotics provide a host of health benefits. They can aid digestion, encourage elimination and promote nutrient absorption. Bifidophilus Flora Force® helps restore the natural balance of good bacteria in the gut and supports immune health.

Recommended use

Adults:Take 1-2 capsules with meals daily. This product was not formulated for children, consult your health care provider. Refrigerate or freeze to maintain freshness.
Bifidophilus Flora Force

Other Ingredients

L. rhamnosus, L. casei, L. acidophilus, B. longum and fructo-oligosaccharides (short- and long-chain).